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Apply BioMantra Soil once a year, in either the spring or fall, to restore the healthy microbial system that plants rely on.

Suplemento microbiano para abejas melíferas

    BioMantra Soil

    Suplemento microbiano para abejas melíferas


    BioMantra Commercial 

    BioMantra Commercial is the best way to release the trapped NPK from your soil and reduce fertilizer needs by up to 30%.  

    Suplemento microbiano para abejas melíferas

    Commercial Crops

    Reduce Fertilizers

    BioMantra™ has key bacteria, enzymes, and humic acids to unlock the trapped nutrients in your soil and
    move them to ionic form for plant uptake.

    Apply Bacteria

    Microbes break down 

    nutrients, making them easily accessible for plants (not locked in the soil.)

    Bacteria Multiply 

    This results in less need for manure or fertilizers and, therefore less cost.  

    Increase Nutrient Supply

    This helps plants survive disease and become resilient in the face of drought!

    Suplemento microbiano para abejas melíferas


    Healthy soil contains billions of living microbes in every teaspoon. These bacteria and fungi enhance the development of plant roots, cycle nutrients, fix nitrogen, and secrete “soil glue” to create a more porous soil that naturally retains water and traps carbon.

    Suplemento microbiano para abejas melíferas

    Field Trials

    In a 2020 trial on 90-day corn in Fond du Lac County, WI, whole plant analysis of 4-week-old plants showed a significant increase in the nutrient levels of plants grown in BioMantra™ supplemented soil compared to a control field. At the end of the season, the harvest yields were an extra 3-6 bu/acre on the corn.


    Stalks & Leaves
    had the following extra nutrients:

     30% more Nitrogen

    60% more Phosphorus

    40% more Potassium

    12% more Calcium

    29% more Iron

     These are extra nutrients that can be passed on in the feed.  

    2020 BioMantra Corn Field Trial

    Suplemento microbiano para abejas melíferas

    Benefits of Soil Microbes for Sweet Potatoes
    Benefits of Soil Microbes for Cranberry Growers

    Suplemento microbiano para abejas melíferas

    BioMantra soil composition:
    Azotobacter chroococcum
    Bacillus megaterium

    Frateuria aurantia

    Bacillus subtillis

    Humic acids
    (Potassium Humate)

    Seaweed extract
    (sargassum weightii)

    Protein hydrolysates 

    (non-GMO origin) 

    (microbial food) 

    Azotobacter chroococcum
    “A. chroococcum is the first aerobic free-living nitrogen fixer. These bacteria utilize atmospheric nitrogen gas for their cell protein synthesis. This cell protein is then mineralized in the soil after the death of Azotobacter cells, thereby contributing towards the nitrogen availability of the crop plants." 
    "Additionally, A. chroococcum is plant growth promoting in stress conditions, especially saline soils."

    Bacillus megaterium

    “Bacillus megaterium inoculation stimulated growth and development. In particular, inoculated plants developed a robust root system with proliferating lateral roots.” 

    Bacillus subtillis 
    "B. subtillis exhibit a synergistic effect on plant growth when they are applied in combination with AM fungi. The combined application results in greater promotion of plant growth, increased production of enzymes, antioxidants, P solubilization, biocontrol activity, root nodulation, and nitrogen fixation.”

    Frateuria aurantia

    "Biofertilisers such as potash solubilizing bacteria (KSB), Frateuria aurantia, have the potential to solubilize unavailable forms of K in the soil to forms that are readily absorbed by the plants. It enriches the other soil micro-flora and maintains a balanced population. It improves soil fertility, promotes plant growth, and enhances yield potential."

    Humic acids (Potassium Humate)
    "improve soil aggregate structure, reduce soil compaction, and achieve good conditions; increase soil cation exchange capacity and fertilizer retention capacity to adsorb and exchange plant nutrients, improve fertilizer slowness, increase soil fertility and water retention capacity; provide soil beneficial microbial activities."

    Seaweed extract (sargassum weightii)
    "wightii extract promoted the shoot length, root length, fresh weight, dry weight, chlorophyll, carotenoid, protein, amino acid, reducing sugar, total sugar, α-amylase, and β-amylase activities in Abelmoschus esculentus."

    Protein hydrolysates (non-GMO origin)
    "Plant-derived protein hydrolysates (PHs) have gained prominence as plant biostimulants because of their potential to increase the germination, productivity, and quality of a wide range of horticultural and agronomic crops. Application of PHs can also alleviate the negative effects of abiotic plant stress due to salinity, drought, and heavy metals."

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